Sunday, 30 September 2012

the common cold.

Hi guys, sorry I'm late.

As I'm sure most of you have noticed we're fast approaching flu season again. I've had more than a few run ins with everyone's favourite disease; I spent majority of days between the ages of 8 and 14 sniffing in an ever failing to clear my bloody nostrils. It drove my mother up the wall. Mind you, it suddenly became ok whenever she had a cold, but it went straight back to being the eighth deadly sin whenever she was cured. 
  So, fast forward a couple years and I've finally been cured of my 6 year long plague. It still comes back to play every now and then, but my body seems to have mastered the art of getting it to f*ck off when it does. Trust me, I'd love for this to be a blog about the 100% bona-fide truth about how to get rid of that dasterdly curse once and for all. But seriously. Scientists haven't even figured that out yet. Give it time, I might surprise ya, but at said moment in time I don't have close to enough resources. 
  Here's a quick run down. Your body is constantly produces mucus to fight of any bacteria that might try and make it's way into your body. The mucus is drained down two holes at the back of your nose, with then led down your throat. However, when you get a cold, the blood vessels around these holes become inflamed. This is what causes that ''stuffed nose'' feeling. The holes become blocked, and mucus can't be drained properly. So no amount of blowing your nose will allow you to breathe freely. 
What will you may ask? In my experience;
•plenty of water
•plenty of rest
•wrap up warm.
I know, I know, this isn't exactly a scientific break-through, but it's all I've got ok? I've heard that breathing in steam helps to unblock those holes, but it's a theory that I've yet to test. 

so That's all for now folks. See yas real soon!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

chocolate chip cookies

Hey everyone penny here,
So nothing very intersting is happening with me at the moment so I've decided to give you another recipe hope u like this one let me know how it turns out.
Chocolate chip cookies
8oz Butter
8oz Brown sugar
10oz Flour
4oz Chopped nuts (optional)
4oz Chocolate chips

Cream the butter and sugar together. Sive in the flour. Then add the nuts and chocolate.
Shape into 2 rolls about 1 3/4 thick. Wrap in cling film and chill for 2 hours. Slice into even sections put on a baking tray and cook at 180 degrees for 8 – 7 mins till the edges are golden brown.

Hope u enjoy these little treats love hearing from you so let me know how things went.
Signing out
penny x

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Scottish Play

Ye all may have heareth of the Scottish Play, that which is known as Macbeth,
A cursed name so full of evil, but good in it, all the same,
A play, a lesson and a message,
All brought together in one,
Macbeth is the play that us Leaving Certs are studying,
And with haste, be it done.

Yada, yada, yada. For anyone living outside of Ireland, us teenagers have to sit at least seven exams for what we call the Leaving Certificate, or the Leaving for short. And of course, in English, my favourite subject, or at least one of, we have this long, arduous course to get through, full of indecipherable Shakespearean language, daunting symbolistic poetry, a novel that is bound to be as boring as watching paint dry...

We started off on that, which is probably the most hated out of all that is in the course..... The Shakespearean Drama. Ours? Macbeth, or "Macbeth" as we must refer to it, when speaking about the play's name.

I expected it to be dull, rendering me half-asleep every time we opened the book to try and nudge our way through the almost hieroglyphic language that is Shakespeare.

Call me pleasantly surprised when it wasn't like that at all! I love reading "Macbeth", well maybe love is a bit strong, but a lot more than I could have hoped!! It's a nice play to be studying, full of mysticism and intriguing supernatural powers that are in play, but mainly it is reading into the play and its meaning that gets me every time.

English, is just one of those subjects that just keeps on exciting me day after day.

Hope you are all well, and settling back into school!

I also have to say how envious I am of the college students! D: Arrrggh, begone with you all and your freedom!!


Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Taz here,

   So it looks like me and the gang will be going to see Ed Sheeran in January. He's in concert in the O2. I'm pretty buzzed, honestly. We're planning on standing tickets-though it's unlikely we'll have to deal with much jostling at a heavy metal concert like Sheeran's will be. 

   The best thing about his music, in my humble opinion, is the lyrics. His songs are almost poetic, with some of my personal favourite lines being, "Resembling cutlery on the sofa," and "I could do without the tan on my left finger where my forefinger meets my knuckle." For all us softies out there, lines like that are written for us. Just so we can melt into a puddle of goo and coo softly. 

However, he wouldn't be my first choice of artists to see live. My past concert experiences are both meagre and sorta pathetic; Westlife; The X Factor Concert; and The Script. Nowadays I'd be more eager to get tickets to Freelance Whales, Of Monsters and Men, FUN.... all of which probably won't be playing in Ireland any time soon.

Ed Sheeran though... that'll be brilliant. 

Anyway, you're all to check out this new band, "Bastille." Their album just came out and they're FRICKIN' AWESOME. Look out for their songs, "Flaws" and "What Would You Do."