Wednesday, 11 January 2012

America and other things that are needlessly big.

Hey people, I just flew in from America, and boy are my arms tired!
I’m sorry, I had to say it, but yeah I spent the last ten days of my life in Orlando, Florida, ‘visiting relatives’. yeah, lets go with that.

But anyway, since I’m too jetlag to come up with a better topic I figured my reaction to ‘public restrooms’ in America would be fitting. Now I’m not talking about your typical run down restrooms in the suburbs. Oh no, county councils have already heard enough about them. I’m talking about the likes of the bathrooms you get in Universal Studios and Disney Land. For many (not really any though) good reasons.

The first thing I noticed almost immediately was the fact that the bottom of the cubicle wall is so fricken high. In most places it was practically parallel to the toilet. So yeah it covers the essentials I guess but seriously, they could afford automatic toilets but they couldn’t afford several inches more plywood?

Which brings me to my next point; automatic toilets. Oh how the phrase sends shivers down my spine. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, let me enlighten you. These ‘automatic toilets’ as they are commonly known are devices used to flush toilets without any manual contribution from the device user.

Admittedly, I do see the point to an extent. I mean there’s always that one gobshite(‘scuse my language) that can’t waste a single second to lean around and flush the fricken thing. Not to mention it’s always the same gobshite who had to use 3 yards of toilet paper to wipe themselves.

But all the same there’s nothing more annoying then when you have just finished doing your business then when you go to wipe yourself and the toilet flushes on you. But of course if you try to wipe yourself while still on the seat, the bowel is so full of water that your knuckles end up..well, I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.

However, despite(omfg my laptop almost died just there now I nearly had a heart attack) these minor problems that could have easily been avoided(just saying) I really like America. Everything is big. Really big. Pointlessly big in most cases. But anyway, that’s all for now folks, see ya real soon ;)

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