Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Does my butt look big in this?

Taz here. 

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and had that one word edge its way into your mind and take up residence? 
You know the word. 
Yeah, that one. 

I don't think I'm being presumptuous when I say most people have thought used bemoaned that word about themselves.  It's not like you can avoid the word-your family, your friends, the media-they spread the disease, and you can't help but catch it, can you? It's not very hard for it to contaminate you. That word, graisse fett grasa gordura saill grasso FAT will drop from your tongue and before you know it, it changes your perception of everything. 

Maybe I'm being dramatic. It's just a word, just one syllable. I'm talking about it like it has the potential to hurt you. Ruin your confidence hold you back lead you to bad decisions. One word can't have that much power, can it? 

What do you think? 

I know a girl who thinks she's fat. She thinks it's the worst thing in the world. It makes her uncomfortable in her own skin. 

Sometimes that girl is me. Sometimes she's you. Honestly, I think she's everyone sometimes. 

Well maybe we can change that. 

When did FAT become an insult? When did SKINNY become a compliment? They're both just words. I asked you earlier if one word had the power to change us- and the answer is that it doesn't. We, the welders and perceivers of words are in control.  

FAT is a compliment. SKINNY is a compliment. Big small short tall busty slim apple pear hourglass-they're all compliments. Who's to say they're not? Every single body type is beautiful.  

I know a girl who thinks she's beautiful.  

Me, you, everyone-we should all be that girl.  

So from today on, make fat a positive word. See a stranger being jeered at, teased, being called fat? Compliment them. See a friend picking up a fad diet because she hates her body? Remind them that they're beautiful just the way they are. (Singing could help) But most importantly, see yourself in the mirror? 

Let a new word worm its way into your consciousness. 
You know the word. 
Yeah, that one. 

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