Friday, 29 June 2012

stufff :P

Hey everyone penny here,
Sorry that I miss the blog last time i was so busy and my internet and i had a disagreement, but fear not my comrades have decide that since i missed th blog last time that i will be doing 2 this week so my first one will explain why I am busy.

So you know when u at that age where parents decide its time u earned ur own money well thats what my mom thinks so i started working for her which is grand we get onok as much as u can with parents. Then came work expeicence and i decided why not try a restaurant cuz I like cooking so I did and i got in to a kitchen and that was good and then they offer me a job. So long story short im working 2 jobs and it is tireing then I have a lack of working internet and a very bad memory and that my dears is how I miss my last blog so I am very sorry to any of u who went to read my blog and there was none there :(.

Now on a happy but sad not i am going to talk about the westlife farwell concert. I know there are people out there who hate westlife and are happy that they have split up but me, Personally I like westlife now im not one of those people who bawled their eyes out im not that kind of person but what ever to each their own. I in all honesty have to say that the concert was brillent. Jedward even though im not a fan we good and The Wanted were amazing and so were one of the supporting acts Lawson( follow them on twitter cuz they are amazing and hot and british ;)). Then as always westlife to ages to take to the stage making sure all their fans were nice and wet before they went on but as Nicky said “all the colourful rain coats just add to the night”.The lads each said a few words inbetween songs, some of the songs included pussy catdolls dont'cha, that was an intersting song to hear them sing and watch them dance to. Then came the emotional part of the night when they said their final goodbyes and thank you's. 2 more songs and that was it westlife had officaly ended after 14 years togeather all i can say is wow and i will miss you westlife.

Thanks for reading im off to read some books so chat soon
yours truly
penny ;)


  1. Tsk, tsk! I was crying cause I didn't know why you had abandoned the blog but I'm all better now! :)Hot Swedish boys, hot British boys - poor Irish guys don't get a look in!

    Jennifer/Media Group Gal

    1. Penny's not one to be conventional with Irish boys :D -Arma
