Thursday, 18 October 2012

Comhairle na nOg, your mental health

Hey everyone,
Sorry I'm late, so today me and and another one of the girls from they youth media group went to Comhairle na nOg meeting. Comhairle na nOg is a youth council and they are all around the country. They are a council that help the voice of young people to be heard. Today we did a workshop on mental health which I found very interesting they talked about things such as that our mind doesn't actually live in the present its either the past or future, they then got us to close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing for 5 minutes this is very difficult because it requires us to concentrated on the present which our mind hates. Our mind will always try and focus on something else like the noises around you or the homework that's due tomorrow so after you read this I want you to try concentrating on just your breathing for 5 minutes and see for yourself how difficult it is.
so that's me for the day guys and girls hope you enjoyed reading talk again soon,

P.S. Feel free to contact anyone from youth work Ireland if you are experiencing any mental health issues  they are there to help and support you. Also please check out  Comhairle na nOg monaghan website: .    

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you learned alot! Interested in getting our media group back together? Melissa is still on maternity leave so we won't be recruiting anyone new for the time being. Maybe we could meet in the Youth Information centre next week and discuss what day for the group would be best for all of us?

    Jenn/Media Group Gal
