Thursday 29 March 2012

Follow Your Heart.....

 Follow your heart. 
    That corny line that makes everyone cringe... And yet,  there has to be some truth in it -maybe not in love life terms but even for me, in ways of my future career. The one I've been agonising over since I was about nine years old. It's probably unusual for a teenager to fret so much about what they want to do in later life, but I don't care -it's a thought that frequently haunts me. OK, "haunts" is a little but too dramatic but it gives us the same message. I'm not even sure why, but I know that I just don't want to end up ina job I hate. And so, it comes back to the same old thing -passion or practicality? 
    For parents it's easy; they want their child to have a job and a stable income. It's for a good reason, I know, but sometimes it leads you into a job you hate and who wants that? I don't, and that's why I'm constantly warring with myself over what I should or shouldn't do. It could turn out badly, but I think it's important to follow your heart. I'm the kind of person who firmly believes "What's for you won't pass you" which is to say, "everything happens for a reason", but sometimes I can't even trust things to turn out the way they should in case I fail. 
   It's stupid, I know, but I like to do well, as everyone does, I'm sure, but for me, it's more of a need. That's why it has took me so long to embrace what I want to do instead of what I should do. As my music teacher said, there's no jobs in anything at the moment and if you love something you'll find work in it, no matter what it is. This in mind, I've finally given into the feeling that has been gnawing at me for quite a while now -the feeling that seemed to shout "Do music, you loooove mooooooosic..!" And so, without setting it in stone, that's where I'm headed for now.  
    Maybe from that. I'll still end up in journalism but even if I don't, I'll take It in my stride and find work in the music industry in something I find that I love -music production, performing, teaching, even, though I'm not mad about teaching, to tell the truth. But I think I'll also incorporate English, because I love English, it's nice and interpretive and although sometimes the whole "there's no wrong answer" can be said to be annoying, I love it anyway. The same with music, you could put me in a music class knowing absolutely no one and I'd end up not caring in most cases because I love it. 
    This in mind, nothing's set in stone, so it could change. It might not, but we'll see, and if you're having the same doubts that I am, I shall say to you, do what you want and believe that you are good enough without anyone else having to tell you. Once you believe you can do it, you will succeed. 
   And on that note, I'll leave you for this week! I'm off to watch Pretty Little Liars, my new steadfast obsession. 

Peace out, 

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Does my butt look big in this?

Taz here. 

Have you ever stood in front of the mirror and had that one word edge its way into your mind and take up residence? 
You know the word. 
Yeah, that one. 

I don't think I'm being presumptuous when I say most people have thought used bemoaned that word about themselves.  It's not like you can avoid the word-your family, your friends, the media-they spread the disease, and you can't help but catch it, can you? It's not very hard for it to contaminate you. That word, graisse fett grasa gordura saill grasso FAT will drop from your tongue and before you know it, it changes your perception of everything. 

Maybe I'm being dramatic. It's just a word, just one syllable. I'm talking about it like it has the potential to hurt you. Ruin your confidence hold you back lead you to bad decisions. One word can't have that much power, can it? 

What do you think? 

I know a girl who thinks she's fat. She thinks it's the worst thing in the world. It makes her uncomfortable in her own skin. 

Sometimes that girl is me. Sometimes she's you. Honestly, I think she's everyone sometimes. 

Well maybe we can change that. 

When did FAT become an insult? When did SKINNY become a compliment? They're both just words. I asked you earlier if one word had the power to change us- and the answer is that it doesn't. We, the welders and perceivers of words are in control.  

FAT is a compliment. SKINNY is a compliment. Big small short tall busty slim apple pear hourglass-they're all compliments. Who's to say they're not? Every single body type is beautiful.  

I know a girl who thinks she's beautiful.  

Me, you, everyone-we should all be that girl.  

So from today on, make fat a positive word. See a stranger being jeered at, teased, being called fat? Compliment them. See a friend picking up a fad diet because she hates her body? Remind them that they're beautiful just the way they are. (Singing could help) But most importantly, see yourself in the mirror? 

Let a new word worm its way into your consciousness. 
You know the word. 
Yeah, that one. 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Easter egg sized Creme Egg.


A month or so ago, I wrote this letter to Cadbury’s.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you of the problem that has plaguing our generation for several years now. I am, of course, referring to the fact that the so-called ‘Crème Egg Easter Egg’ does not contain an Easter egg sized crème egg.

  I severely doubt, and hope that the thought of making this dream of mine and many others a reality has never crossed your mind. However, with Easter, and as you kind people at Cadbury’s call it ‘Crème Egg Season’ fast approaching, the thought has re-entered my head and is refusing to leave.
   I understand that you’re company is a household name worldwide and that you can’t grant every wish that every teenager bestows upon you. Despite this fact, I figured I’d write to you anyway.

  You don’t need me tell you how popular your crème eggs are. Therefore, you continue to sell them. Basic business logic, right? However, consider this; An average, normal size crème egg costs about 60c to buy. An Easter egg pack with two crème eggs can cost around €3. If you were to make a limited edition Easter egg sized crème egg you could easily charge more than €7 for it. Assuming it costs less than 30c to make a crème egg, and about a €1 to make an Easter egg, you could make about €4.50 per egg, nearly double the amount you would make of the old crème egg Easter egg pack.

  Of course, to sell such a thing you would need an audience willing to consume it. After doing some research, I found that 2 061 people on facebook, and counting, have been campaigning to make it happen. And that’s without the help of any mainstream media. Roughly 45 million crème eggs are made and sold every year, and I can assure you about 50% of crème egg fans are hoping with full wallets that this will be the year that an Easter egg sized crème egg will finally become a reality.

  After hearing my points, I know I have convinced you that making said egg would be your smartest Easter egg idea yet.

Good luck with your sales!

 Yours sincerely, (signed)

A couple weeks ago, I got this reply.

Dear Teri*

We were pleased to receive your letter and thank you for taking the time and trouble to write to us.

The standard ‘Crème Egg’ has been the most popular confectionary product of its type for many years. We make 1,400,000 every 24 hours and is the top selling confectionery product between Christmas and Easter. Manufacturing a ‘large’ Crème Egg would be very difficult and the retail selling price would probably make it impossible to market successfully.

I am sorry to have to disappoint you on this occasion but once again thank you for your interest in writing on us.

Yours sincerely (signed)

Andrew Hoey.


Honestly I feel like I just wasted their time now but oh well. It was worth a shot.


Thursday 8 March 2012

why i love reading

Hey everyone,
Sorry but I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday but I am writing it now. So today I am going to tell you why I love reading. I suppose its because I find my life uneventful sometimes and what I love about books it that they take you to different places and introduce you to different characters who can be people you relate to or people you don't. You experience events that you would usually never be involved in. For me books are a chance to escape life for a little while and put myself in somebody else's shoes and I find that I often don't react they same as the characters do that my be because we know some thing they don't or because of my personality but some times I feel like shouting at them why, or no, or telling them to say something. That's my blog for this week.
Talk soon